Attention: SWFL ResourceLink is a third party resource directory and is not directly affiliated with "AIDS Healthcare Foundation (ICAN)". For questions and concerns related to "AIDS Healthcare Foundation (ICAN)" and their services, please contact them directly.

Provider details

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AIDS Healthcare Foundation (ICAN)

Services include an emergency-assistance fund for clients, transportation, food and vitamin supplements through our food pantry / food bank, HIV/AIDS classes and training, HIV prevention services, Project AIDS Care Medicaid Waiver (PAC) case management, Ryan White Care Act case management and on-site commercial rental for HIV/AIDS related medical and allied health services. PAC services include skilled nursing, personal care, homemaker assistance, chore service, physical therapy, environmental modification, special medical supplies, therapeutic massage, education and support, substance abuse treatment and case management. Ryan White services include physician visits, medication, dental services, medication compliance, diagnostic testing, mental health counseling, substance abuse counseling, AIDS Insurance Continuation Program (AICP) and case management. Condoms are available for distribution at this location.
(239) 332-0719
Serving: Lee County

Provider locations

206 2nd St E, Bradenton